{ iOS }

  • Inject cookies in WKWebView

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    We often encounter scenarios where we need to inject cookies into WKWebView from the outside.

    There are several specific schemes, generally speaking, the choice needs to be made in combination with the actual scene.

    Here is a description of an actual scenario in a project I’ve encountered.

  • respondsToSelector Of Super

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    respondsToSelector is often used to determine whether an instance implements a method for safe calling.

    But please don’t call the respondsToSelector method on super.

    Sometimes we only want to call a method of the parent class, but we only know that although the parent class implements a certain protocol, it does not necessarily implement the method in the protocol.

  • Something About Optional Assignment

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    We all know that in Swift, optional chaining is an important feature that can help us write concise and elegant code.

    However, the optional assignment derived from the optional chain may have some strange phenomena when used.

  • When Rejected For UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities

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    A month ago, after I submitted the AppStore review as usual. Soon I received a review response with the subject line “We noticed an issue with your submission.”

    I guess I may have screwed up again.

    The reason for rejection is about UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities.

  • iOS Crash 符号化解析

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    在公司的时候,通常 Crash 平台都做的很好,帮我们做好了符号化解析,一些三方平台也会提供类似的能力。



  • 浅谈当Swift中defer和inout同时起作用

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    本文针对 Swiftdeferinout 以及 return 时相互影响的时候的情况进行简单的分析,目的是更好的理解 deferinout 原理以及使用场合,减少踩坑和提高debug效率。

    本文中的示例代码,均为 Swift 4.2 版本